TerraPond Mineral Information in Alphabetical Order A-F
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Aluminum (Al)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.0025 oz Amount in TerraPond: inert* You‘ve heard the scary stories about toxic buildup of aluminum causing dementia and health problems, but did you know that colloidal aluminum exists in small but significant amounts throughout nearly every food and plant in the world? While toxic aluminum from man-made sources is a public health danger, the fact remains that natural aluminum is one of the most abundant elements on the surface of the earth...more abundant that iron. Yet it is needed in the human body in extremely small amounts, in ionic, molecular form. Aluminum may be involved in regulating insomnia and sleep patterns, cerebral function, and mental development as well as the cellular environment. It may be involved in enzyme synthesis. Nevertheless, many pundits proclaim fearfully that aluminum will accumulate in your body and cause disease, especially brain disorders. But think about the logic of this. The second most common element on earth is inherently toxic? While you‘re considering that, think about the fact that many people with osteoporosis also have calcium deposits on their arteries and calcium induced arthritis. So the reason the mineral calcium is being collected and deposited isn‘t due to an overdose. Other factors are at work when your body cannot resolve an intake of minerals in their natural, colloidal form; and sometimes the body is rejecting the wrong kind of the mineral. In this regard, colloidal aluminum is widely considered safe in small amounts, yet many people have been exposed to too much non-colloidal aluminum from man-made sources. * Moreover, TerraPond minerals contain an alumina silicate, which is one of the most powerful natural and safe aluminum detoxifiers. Because of its strong anionic charge, TerraPond does not release aluminum, but rather pulls it from your body, including the toxic forms of aluminum we are all exposed to. Aluminum has one of the highest cationic charges of all minerals. Like mercury, it is missing three electrons (chemists refer to it as being ―positively trivalent‖, meaning it has a strong positive voltage). Therefore, it will not exchange for other minerals in the TerraPond compound, but instead aluminum deposits in your colon will be drawn unconditionally into these ionic molecules. Taking internally can actually remove aluminum from the system.. Antimony (Sb)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0 oz Amount in TerraPond: <1 ppm;<5 mcg This element has always been considered both exotic and toxic. But recently, it has been discovered that trace amounts of antimony are needed to catalyze biological recovery processes for arthritis, osteoarthritis, bronchitis, prostate enlargement and rheumatism. Does that sound like a deadly poison? You need only tiny amounts of it, which are hard to obtain in processed foods. If you foolishly eat the metal form of it, you could die. But in trace amounts of colloidal, antimony contributes to natural health. Arsenic (As)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.00015 oz Amount in TerraPond: <5 ppm; <25 mcg Once again, found in basically all life forms, this element has received nothing but bad press. Trace amounts of the nontoxic colloidal form are needed to support cellular function, immunity, and healthy bones, teeth and hair. Metallic forms of it are deadly poisonous Barium (Ba)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.0008 oz Amount in TerraPond: 461 ppm; 2.3 mg A relatively unknown biocatalyst, this mineral is needed for regulation of blood pressure, among other systems. Typical of our mainstream nutrition science, there is no RDA or recognition of it as a nutrient even as research proves it is beneficial in trace amounts Bismuth (Bi)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: Unknown Amount in TerraPond: 5 ppm; 25 mcg This mineral is the original active ingredient of Pepto-Bismol . It is a good anti-infectant and supports immune function. In combination with antibiotics it is now used for treatment of some stomach ulcers. It has even been used to successfully treat syphilis. Bromium (Br)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.008 oz Amount in TerraPond: 6 ppm; 30 mcg Bromium is also a hyper-trace element found in the bodies of all higher animals and humans. It settles in the pituitary gland and works with membrane ionic exchanges and nervous function. Cadmium (Cd)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.002 oz Amount in TerraPond: 5 ppm; 25 mcg A Hyper-trace element with unknown properties, cadmium seems to affect metabolic processes. Calcium (Ca)Essential daily amount: 1200 mg
Typical diet deficiency: 400 mg Amount in the average body: 2.5 lbs Amount in TerraPond: 4.7%; 235 mg; 20%* Calcium is an absolutely essential macro-mineral that forms structural components of bone and tissue. It is the ―master‖ element that also helps regulate cellular activity and pH and blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion. It supports healthy skin and tissue. Your body craves good sources of calcium, yet when it cannot assimilate this important substance, it begins to deposit the crystalline element on bones and in tissue in an unhealthy way. *The calcium found in TerraPond is a highly bio-available form of calcium, delivered along with complementary trace elements that make the calcium operable for its purpose. Carbon (C) Essential daily amount: N/A
Typical diet deficiency: none Amount in the average body: 30-50 lbs Amount in TerraPond: Nil Carbon is an essential element, but it is abundant because all life is based on carbon chains. So the food chain is essentially a carbon chain, and many chemical elements are bound to carbon. If you are eating enough calories, you are not carbon deficient. Electrolyte minerals and trace elements are not "organic" and therefore are independent of carbon. If your mineral supplement contains carbon, it is because it has been exposed to decomposed animal and plant life. ION- MIN is a pure mineral complex in its native form, with little exposure to prehistoric plants and animals, which is why it has so little carbon in it. Cerium (Ce)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: unknown Amount in TerraPond: 79 ppm; 395 mcg Another hyper-trace element that acts as a biocatalyst in unknown and complex ways. It may be helpful for eye problems and other organs. It is used in wrist ligament centrioles, which is why it helps some people adapt to overcome carpal tunnel syndrome; similarly it is needed to strengthen patella ligatures. Yet research on cerium‘s health effects is lacking. Cesium (Cs)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.00005 Amount in TerraPond: 12 ppm; 60 mcg This trace element is a biocatalyst for your internal cellular environment, contained in the bodies of all mammals. Chloride (Cl)Essential daily amount: 2300 mg
Typical diet deficiency: none Amount in the average body: 3.3 oz Amount in TerraPond: Nil Contained in relatively large amounts in body fluids, chloride is an electrolyte that is (along with potassium and sodium) necessary for cardiac rhythm and electrification of the body and pH balance. Digestive juices in the stomach contain hydrochloric acid. Chloride is an anion, so it does not adhere to our minerals silica structure. Fortunately, most people get enough...indeed too much chloride with sodium in the form of salt. Chromium (Cr)Essential daily amount: 80-200 mcg
Typical diet deficiency: 40-100 mcg Amount in the average body: 0.00009 oz Amount in TerraPond: 100 ppm; 500 mcg;250% Chromium is an essential nutrient required for normal glucose and fat metabolism and works primarily by ensuring insulin acts correctly. It is present in the entire body but with the highest concentrations in the liver, kidneys, spleen and bone. Chromium is needed for energy, as it maintains stable blood glucose levels. In cooperation with other substances, it controls insulin as well as certain enzymes. It is also required in synthesis of fats, protein and carbohydrates, and thus is important in regulating cholesterol. It competes with vitamin C and may be needed in larger amounts to combat adult onset diabetes. Yet this extremely important mineral was not even considered necessary for health until 1977! It is important to note that only trivalent chromium (Cr03) is acceptable for human and animal ingestion. Hexavalent chromium (Cr06) is toxic. TerraPond contains only trivalent chromium. Cobalt (Co)Essential daily amount: 10-50 mcg
Typical diet deficiency: uncertain Amount in the average body: 0.000056 oz Amount in TerraPond: 28 ppm; 140 mcg; 280% A hyper-trace element that makes up part of vitamin B12. It helps maintain muscle tissue and regulates hypertension, activates certain enzymes, and helps blood production. Cobalt was found to be a key component of vitamin B12 in 1948. Grazing animals suffer in areas where there is little cobalt in the soil. Like other trace minerals, Cobalt has been depleted from our soils due to intensive farming and the overuse of NPK. Until the 1940's, most farmers returned essential minerals to the soil by mulching, adding manure, and crop rotation. Since modern farming, farm animals have needed to be supplemented. This implies that some people are likely underexposed to cobalt, such as vegetarians. Copper (Cu) Essential daily amount: 2-5 mg
Typical diet deficiency: 2 mg Amount in the average body: 0.0028 0z Amount in TerraPond: 35 ppm; 175 mcg; 4% An important trace mineral that affects immunity, and has anti-infectant properties. Copper is required in the formation of hemoglobin, red blood cells, skin and bones. It helps with the formation of elastin as well as collagen - making it necessary for wound healing. Copper works closely with iron for these functions. Copper is a vital component of a number of essential enzymes. It is essential for energy production, connective tissue formation, iron metabolism, melanin formation and it also has an antioxidant function. Copper‘s role in nutrition and health has been known since 1925. Yet it did not become recognized by orthodox medical community as an essential trace element until 1996! Europium (Eu)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: nil Amount in TerraPond: 1 ppm; 5 mcg This rare earth, hyper-trace mineral is not well studied. But it is found in minute amounts in eyes, veins, glands, bladder, and bile ducts. It seems to provide some antagonism to alcoholism, and forms part of a message-sensing bio-electric system in the body that regulates glucose. Experiments with rats in extremely small doses doubled their life expectancy. There are no known plants that grow well without some trace Europium. Fluoride (Fl)Essential daily amount: 2-3mg
Typical diet deficiency: none Amount in the average body: 0.105 Amount in TerraPond: Nil Fluoride is essential for both teeth and bones. Calcium by itself won't build a molecule of bone. To use the calcium, your body has to have adequate supplies of at least 9 other minerals; and fluoride is one of those minerals. Deficiency is almost unknown, making one wonder why the water supply is filled with man-made forms of it. If anything, there may be localized overexposure to Fluoride from the drinking water supplies, although nobody in authority is admitting this, which is bizarre when you consider that under nearly all other circumstances, the US government places no trust in mineral supplementation to remedy a public health issue (in this case tooth decay). Yet even as most people are highly dosed from foods, they are also dosed with municipal water without any official concern for toxicity. All of this is odd, since fluoride and health are scarcely studied. Fluoride is an anion, and does not adhere to the TerraPond silicate, which is why none is present in the compound. |
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