Koi Care Starts With Good Water Quality
Koi get sick when they are stressed, injured, or malnurished. TerraPond minerals provides support in all these areas because except of being injured due to sharp rocks or predators, it usually all comes down to water quality, an area TerraPond specializes and does so with little cost or work. If your koi fish should be injured, you can use these minerals to help treat the wound and speed healing by keeping them in a tank with a concentrated amount of the minerals. Not only do the minerals work to seal the wound and provide nutrients needed for building new tissue, but it will help to disinfect the area to prevent the spread of infection.
Aquatic Environments are Easily Depleted of Minerals Which Weakens the Entire Eco System
A pond environment is a closed environment that is dependent on you for replenishment. Minerals create a foundation for health of an eco system by providing plants and fish with nourishment to grow and stay strong. Stress, the number one "trigger" that can lead to disease and illness in koi fish is brought on by poor water quality which is code for low nutrition resources needed by koi and plants to fight off infection.
A balanced eco system and good quality water are synonomous. When this is achieved the eco system is able to resist a "take over" from potentially harmful microbes and parasites. Run off from rain can bring harmful chemicals such as pesticides into your pond, or maybe you are trying to recover from high chemical concentrations such as chlorine. Remember that both pesticides and chlorine are designed to kill and attack nervous system of living things including koi fish. If a high level of mineral concentration can be maintained nature has the raw materials needed to get the job done and has its methods for cleaning things up.
A balanced eco system and good quality water are synonomous. When this is achieved the eco system is able to resist a "take over" from potentially harmful microbes and parasites. Run off from rain can bring harmful chemicals such as pesticides into your pond, or maybe you are trying to recover from high chemical concentrations such as chlorine. Remember that both pesticides and chlorine are designed to kill and attack nervous system of living things including koi fish. If a high level of mineral concentration can be maintained nature has the raw materials needed to get the job done and has its methods for cleaning things up.

If a high level of mineral concentration can be maintained, nature will then have the raw materials needed to get the job done using some pretty incredible mechanisms for cleaning things up that have been millions of years in the making.
Avoiding Hundreds of Dollars in Clean Up Costs Due to Infected and Diseased Koi Fish
We know fish get sick after exposure to bacteria, viruses, fungus, and harmful chemicals such as pesticides and chlorine in the water. They can get cut on sharp rocks, or be attacked by predators looking for a meal.
Use TerraPond to maintain water quality by adding regularly to keep mineral concentrations high. TerraPond will not only nourish koi fish and aquatic life, but will help your water stay crystal clear and reduce harmful microbe concentrations.
One of the biggest threats to your pond is the introduction of new infected fish. Keep new fish in an isolation tank
The cost for treating infected fish can be hundreds of dollars or more. The process is long involving many steps to ensure decontamination is achieved and the disease does not spread to more fish.
The micron sized molecules in TerraPond work to clear infectious invaders from your pond without the use of drugs or strong chemicals that could trigger more unwanted side effects. Instead the minerals use a method invented by nature called flocculation where the minerals use their strong negative charge to bond with positively charged poisonous molecules ad infectious organisms so they are trapped in filtration systems or broken down into non harmful substances. The buffed up mineral warriors are constantly circulating and patrolling for the bad guys so they can be taken out and killed.
Use TerraPond to maintain water quality by adding regularly to keep mineral concentrations high. TerraPond will not only nourish koi fish and aquatic life, but will help your water stay crystal clear and reduce harmful microbe concentrations.
One of the biggest threats to your pond is the introduction of new infected fish. Keep new fish in an isolation tank
The cost for treating infected fish can be hundreds of dollars or more. The process is long involving many steps to ensure decontamination is achieved and the disease does not spread to more fish.
The micron sized molecules in TerraPond work to clear infectious invaders from your pond without the use of drugs or strong chemicals that could trigger more unwanted side effects. Instead the minerals use a method invented by nature called flocculation where the minerals use their strong negative charge to bond with positively charged poisonous molecules ad infectious organisms so they are trapped in filtration systems or broken down into non harmful substances. The buffed up mineral warriors are constantly circulating and patrolling for the bad guys so they can be taken out and killed.

We know koi fish get sick easier if they have a weak immune system due to malnutrition and/or poor water quality and are then exposured to bacteria, viruses, fungus, and harmful chemicals such as pesticides and chlorine in the water. They can get cut on sharp rocks, or be attacked by predators looking for a meal.
The 57 ionic minerals in TerraPond are rare in nature for several reasons. The negative ionic charge which gives them the capacity to clean water using the flocculation process and bond with bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites as well as other contaminates such as chlorine and pesticides. The molecules first bind with microbes and then block access to nutrient supplies so they die.
This incredibly small size cannot be replicated in a laboratory. Nature holds the patent to that along with the unique molecular shape of the minerals in TerraPond. What happens is remarkable in that the minerals can be readily absorbed through the skin of your koi fish where they protect, seal wounds, disinfect, disinfect, and supply nutrients needed for the healing and rebuilding process.
The minerals can basically act as a protective barrier that guards against bacterial, fungal, parasitic or viral infections that make fish sick.

One of the biggest threats to your pond is the introduction of new infected fish. Keep new fish in an isolation tank