Mineral Information in Alphabetical Order Sodium-Z
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Sodium (Na)Essential daily amount: 500mg
Typical diet deficiency: unlikely Amount in the average body: 3.98 oz Amount in TerraPond: 1.11%; 55 mg; 11% Sodium is an absolutely vital electrolyte mineral. While it has been demonized in recent years due to over-consumption, a person cannot live without fairly large intake. The problem is that it is overused as a food additive and Americans get way too much of it without compensating with other minerals, throwing their body‘s Ph off balance. The body jealously guards its intercellular pH, so it will create a cascade of other reactions to maintain this vital chemical context. Thus too much sodium affects cellular and kidney function and causes high blood pressure and edema, and causes calcium, magnesium and potassium to be excreted. While sports drink makers assert that you need sodium when you work out, for most Westerners this is not true. The sodium cation is the main extracellular (outside cells) cation in animals and is important for nerve function in animals. Sodium must be balanced with potassium. Moreover the best form of sodium is natural sea salt that has sodium chloride and trace minerals. Likewise, TerraPond has natural sodium in balance with higher amounts of compensating trace minerals and with other trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium for proper metabolic interactions. Strontium (Sr)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.012 oz Amount in TerraPond: 2 ppm; 10 mcg Extremely small trace amounts are found in the body, and they do impact our health for bone and tooth health, and anabolic support. Sulfur (S)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 5.6 oz Amount in TerraPond: 0.05%; 2.5 mg Widely present throughout the body, this trace mineral acts to support hair, skin, nails and cartilage. It is a constituent of fats, body fluids, and skeletal cells. It ensures joint flexibility and helps stabilize the intercellular environment. It has antiallergenic properties and is a building block for many amino acids and therefore proteins. It is a good blood purifier and antitoxin. Many vitamins and amino acids contain or require sulfides in order to function. Our visual cortex needs a lot of sulfur compounds, as do our bone cells. In fact our bodies use over 250 different sulfuron molecules. Thulium (Tm)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: unknown Amount in TerraPond: 2 ppm; 10 mcg No known biological role, but stimulates metabolism Tin ( Sn)Essential daily amount: 10-20mg
Typical diet deficiency: 5-15 mg Amount in the average body: 0.00056 oz Amount in TerraPond: 5 ppm; 55 mcg Tin is a trace element that seems to impact energy, well-being and mood. Studies have shown supplementing with tin produces benefits with certain types of headaches, insomnia, asthma, or improvements with digestion, skin, or various aches and pains. Animal studies have shown that tin-deficient diets resulted in poor growth, reduced feeding efficiency, hearing loss, and bilateral (male pattern) hair loss. Tin is found in the aorta, brain, heart, kidney, liver, muscle, ovary, spleen, testes, pancreas, stomach, uterus, and prostate. Symptoms associated with significantly below-normal levels of tin typically include depression and/or fatigue. Natural, colloidal tin is not the same as tin found in manufactured packaging, which is likely harmful. Tin is used as a natural antibacterial for germs such as staphylococci. It even encourages hair growth. Tin was finally recognized as essential in 1975. Even though many people are exposed to tin in processed foods, it is the wrong form of tin and can be toxic. Ionic, colloidal tin is not toxic, and helps supply the body with the trace amounts of tin needed for proper metabolism. Titanium (Ti)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.023 oz Amount in TerraPond: 0.68%; 34 mg The human body contains approximately 700 mg titanium, and our daily intake is approximately 0.8 mg. Only a small part of the total daily intake is absorbed by the body. But even as all bodies contain plenty of titanium, its role as a trace element is unknown. What is known is that it is quite compatible with body organs and boned; the body can tolerate relatively high doses and it does not accumulate. Neither does it cause allergic nor rejection when used as an implant. Tungsten (W)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: unknown Amount in TerraPond: 0.3 ppm; 15 mcg Perhaps the only time you‘ve ever heard about this mineral is from razor blade commercials popularizing the benefits of Tungsten steel. But what is not evangelized properly by modern nutrition scientists is that tungsten is absolutely needed in trace amounts to help cause a myriad of metabolic processes in the body. Vanadium (V)Essential daily amount: 0.5-1 mg
Typical diet deficiency: probable 0.5+ mcg Amount in the average body: 0.000085 oz Amount in TerraPond: 127 ppm; 635 mcg; 75% This hyper-trace element is becoming recognized for its health-supporting role in human growth, cholesterol, diabetes, metabolic catalysis, bone structure, tooth health and fertility. It stabilizes blood glucose levels for all types of diabetes, and is proven to reduce LDL (―bad‖) cholesterol. It is likely that many Americans are somewhat deficient in this important element. It was listed officially as "essential" in 1975. Ytterbium (Yb)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: unknown Amount in TerraPond: 2.8 ppm; 14 mcg The physiological role of Ytterbium is unknown but is said to stimulate the metabolism. Yttrium (Yb)Essential daily amount: Unknown
Typical diet deficiency: Unknown Amount in the average body: 0.023 oz Amount in TerraPond: 34 ppm 170 mcg Yttrium is found in most humans and seems to be a natural hyper-trace element; but its function is not known. Some specialists believe it can improve certain eye disorders and immune function. It is a very interesting mineral in that when heated, it can transport energy without resistance, making it an ideal semiconductor. Zinc (Zn)Essential daily amount: 10-20 mg
Typical diet deficiency: 8-10 mcg Amount in the average body: 0.092% Amount in TerraPond: 97 ppm; .49 mg; 5-10%* Zinc is the key component of many enzymes, and is important in the formation of protein, insulin, keratin and collagen. Zinc plays a role in reproduction and also sexual maturation. Zinc deficiency results in stunted growth and in male sexual immaturity. This is reversed on the addition of zinc in the diet. Zinc helps tissue heal, acts as an antioxidant and improves immune function. Zinc deficiency in soils around the world is a significant and worsening nutrition problem. * A daily dose of TerraPond adds between 5 and 10% of the zinc many nutrition experts believe is necessary for health. These minerals are highly bio-available on demand. This is because they are colloidal, ionic compounds of nano-molecular size, and because they are delivered in a buffered silicate, so that substances which are needed by the body can be readily assimilated, and substances that are not needed can be safely carried through the system. Minerals safely attract and removes cationic toxins and heavy metals that the body discards through the bile and colon. |
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