Ago hi – (ah go HE) The hi markings on the cheeks of Asagi or Shusui. Ago Sumi - (ah go SOO me) Sumi (black) on gills. Ai – (eye) Blue or indigo color. Aigoromo – (eye go ROW mow) A Goromo (Koromo) koi with blue or indigo reticulation. Basically a Kohaku whose red scales have blue semicircular borders, giving the koi a reticulated pattern. Ai Showa – (eye SHOW wah) A Showa koi with blue or indigo speckles. Aizumi -- (eye ZOO me) 'Blue' sumi tinged with indigo (blue). Aka -- (AH kah) Entire red body. Usually as a base color over the body of a Koi, red from orange. Aka Bekko -- (AH kah BEH koh) A red koi with black markings. Aka Hajiro -- (AH ka ha JEE row) A red koi with white tips to the pectoral and caudal fins. Aka hana -- (AH kah HAH nah) Red nose. Aka Matsuba -- (AH kah maht SOO bah) A red koi with a black 'pine-cone' pattern in the scales along the back. Aka Sanke -- (AH kah SAHN keh) Hi (red) covers almost entire head and body. Akamuji or Aka Muji -- (AH kah MOO jee) Light red koi. Akame -- (AH kah may) An eye with a red iris. Most often seen in Kigoi. Akebi – (ah KEH bee) Light blue. Aizumi – (ah ZOO mee) Blue sumi i.e. tinged with indigo (high quality). Albino – (Al BY no) A strain usually demonstrated by red eyes. All Japan Nishikigoi Show -- by Zen Nippon Airinkai (ZNA) - Japan's largest and most respected koi show - respected world wide. Ami -- (ah ME) Net. Amime -- (ah ME meh) Mesh or 'eyes' of scales in a net pattern. Aragoke -- (ah rah GO keh) Large armour scales. Arashi Kumo -- (ah RAH shee KOO moh) Translates into "Storm Clouds". This term describes a "storm cloud" like black pattern. It is a mix of sumi, kage sumi (shadow) and white that all work together to create the "storm cloud" effect. Asagi -- (ah SAH gee) A gray-blue reticulated scaled koi with hi (red) along the lateral lines, cheeks and in the fins. Asagi Hi -- (ah SAH gee HEE) Secondary, undesirable hi (red) appearing as freckles below the lateral line. Asagi Magoi -- (ah SAH gee MAH goy) An early ancestor of the modern Asagi. Asagi Suminagashi -- (ah SAH gee SOO mee na GOSH hee) A Koi whose black scales are outlined in white. More commonly known as Suminagashi. (Kawarimono). Atama ga hageru -- (ah TAH mah gah HAH geh roo) Clearness of head, clean, clear head. Atama -- (ah TAH mah) Head crown. Ato -- (AH toh) Late appearing (i.e. referring to sumi; ato sumi). Ato sumi -- (AH toh soo mee) Late developing black markings. B. Barbels -- Koi possess two pairs of barbels, one on each side of their mouth used to locate food. Bekko -- (BEH koh) Single solid color of white, red or yellow koi with black markings. Beni -- (BEN ee) Describes deep solid red. Beni Haijiro-- (BEN ee HA JEER row) Red koi with white tips on its pectoral fins (Kawarimono). Beni Kujaku -- (BEN ee koo JAH koo) An orange-red Kujaku with red markings all over the body (Hikari Moyomono). Beni Kumonryu -- (BEN ee koo mahn droo) Kumonryu with red markings. Benigoi -- (BEN ee goy) A non metallic red koi, resembling Akamuji but with a deeper red coloration (Kawarimono). Beret Hi -- (BEH reh HEE) Asymmetrical head hi (red) on one side only. Beta-gin -- (BEH tah deen) The finest type of Kinginrin (gin rin), where the whole surface of each scale sparkles. Bire -- (BEE reh) 'Fire', a name used for the specific red patterning on Asagi and Shusui. Bito -- Love Boke -- (BOH kee) Undeveloped Showa sumi. Blurred or faded effect to color or pattern. Boke Showa -- (BOH kee SHOW wah) A popular form of Showa, with blurred, grayish sumi - netting sumi. Bongiri -- (Bohn GEE ree) The head hi does not come far enough towards the nose. An area without pattern near the tail joint, considered a flaw. Bozu -- (boh ZOO) No hi on the head, bald head. Bu -- (boo) Size division. Budo -- (BOO doh) Literally ‘grape.’ Arrangement of colored scales resembling a bunch of grapes. Budo Goromo -- (BOO doh go ROW mow) A koi with a purplish, grape like pattern or patterns on its white body over the red (Koromo). Budo Sanke -- (BOO doh SAHN keh) A koi with a pattern resembling that of Budo Goromo combined with solid black markings. Bunka Sanke -- (BOON ka SAHN keh) A blue Sanke with shiny pectoral fins, Seen only as a baby koi (Kawarimono). C. Carotene -- Nutrient responsible for the red colour in Koi. Nishikigoi absorb carotene as a nutrient in order to live. When the carotene stays in the fat of the body surface it appears as a red stain. Because Shiro Utsuri don't have any red in their patterns carotene fed to this variety can cause red staining to appear. Cha -- (chah) Brown. Chagoi -- (CHAH goy) Non metallic light brown or tea colored koi (Kawarimono). Chigyo -- (CHEEG yoh) Unsorted fry. Chobo Sumi -- Dark spot found on the heads of young fish that is caused by the thin transparent skin at the location. The area appears dark because you are looking through the skin at the skull. Pure white skin on the nose that has a transparent effect shows potential for the clean, white skin desired in the mature koi's head. Chupa -- (CHOO pah) Medium quality fish. Caudal fin -- (KAH dal) Tail fin. D. Dagoi -- (DAH goy) Poor quality fish. Dainichi -- (dye NEE chee) Famous Go-Sanke lineage of koi. Dangra -- (dahn GAH rah) A stepped pattern on the body of a koi, also known as Danmoyo. Danmoyo -- (dahn MOW yow) Step pattern. Independent Hi plates that form steps that are counted as 'first step', 'second step', 'third step' etc. The count starts from the head and proceeds towards the tail. Dia -- (Die-Ya) Diamond. Diamond Ginrin -- A form of Kinginrin where the scales sparkle like diamonds. Do Zumi -- (doh ZOO mee) Sumi on the body. Doh -- (doh) Trunk, or body. Doh Hi -- (doh hee) Hi on the body. Doh Sumi -- Trunk Sumi. It often indicates large Sumi that wraps down past the lateral line of Showa Sanshoku. Doh Zumi -- (doh zoo mee) Sumi on the body. Dohmaki -- Pattern extending below the lateral line. Doka Sumi -- Large Sumi. Also called Oh Sumi. Large in this case references to Sumi that appears in large patches, not necessarily that the Koi is covered in Sumi. Doitsu -- (DOYT zoo) German koi that are not fully scaled, usually with a row of large mirror scales along each lateral line and a row on either side of the dorsal fin. The mirror and leather carp were imported to Japan from Germany and bred to the Japanese Koi to get these varieties. Doitsu Kujaku -- (DOYT zoo koo JAH koo) A platinum koi with red markings over its body and black markings in the scales along the dorsal and lateral lines only (Hikari Moyomono). Doitsu Yamato Nishiki -- (DOYT zoo YAH mah toh nee SHEE kee) A scaleless metallic Taisho Sanshoku (Sanke). Also known as Heisie Nishiki (Hay say nee SHEE kee). Doitsu Yotsushiro-- (DOYT zoo YOT soo SHEE roh) Origin of Kumonryu; Yotsa means 4, Shiro means white. Doitsu Yotsushiro is a Doitsu koi with 4 patches of white: nose, tail, and both pectoral fins. Doroike Mud Pond -- Pond dug into the mud used to grow Nishikigoi. The mud has abundant natural minerals due to the snow melt that refills the mud ponds every spring. Because of the large area of the pond Nishikigoi can exercise more. Hobbyists release Koi to a mud pond to promote health and increase growth from spring to autumn. Koi are rarely kept in mud ponds over the winter because they cannot be fed under the ice and the Koi will continue to grow much faster in concrete tanks in the breeder's greenhouses. Doware -- (dohn WAH reh) Large white area of a pattern. E. Enyu – (EHN yoo) A doitsu koi with a white body and red markings whose mirror scales are platinum; pale blue speckles may be interspersed within the red and white color of the dorsal surface. Etsu No Hisoku – (EHT zoo noh hee ZOH koo) A doitsu yellow-green koi. F. Flowery Kohaku -- (Flowery koh HAH koo) Many, small areas of hi. No recognizable step pattern. Fucarin -- (FOO kah reen) The area of skin around the smaller scales of good metallic koi. The smaller the scales, the greater the luster. Fuji -- (FOO jee) The almost metallic finish on the head of some young non metallic koi. Most often seen in good young Sanke and occasionally, Ogon and Kohaku. Fukurin -- (FOO koo reen) Mesh pattern or reticulated effect (vignette) involving scales and skin. The area of skin around the smaller scales of good metallic Koi. The smaller the scales, the greater the lustre. Funazoko Hi -- Hi Bottom Hi. Hi on the belly and below the lateral lines of Asagi and Shusui. Funazoko means the bottom of a ship. It is called this because it resembles the red paint seen on the waterline of a steamship. It is a point of appreciation for these varieties which lack other strong colors. G. Gaku Hi -- (GAH koo hee) Red on upper part of face (forehead). Giku -- (GEE koo) Relates to the swimming mode of a koi with a deformed body. Gin -- (geen) Shiny, reflective, silver metallic. Gin Bekko -- (GEEN BEH koo) Basically a metallic Shiro Bekko (Hikari Moyomono). Gin Kabuto -- (GEEN kah BOO tow) A black koi whose scales have silver edges. Now rejected as a poor Ogon. Gin Matsuba -- (GEEN maht ZOO bah) A metallic silver koi with a black 'pine cone' (matsuba) pattern in the scales (Hikari Utsurimono). Gin Me -- Silver eyes. White rimmed eyes seen in Kohaku. If the Koi has black eyes (Kuro Me) it is likely to be a Sanke or Showa. Gin Rin -- (Gin Ling) Silver scale. Gin Shiro -- (GEEN SHEE row) A metallic Shiro Utsuri (Hikari Utsurimono). Gin Showa -- (GEEN SHOW wah) A metallic Showa with a silver luster (Hikari Utsurimono). Ginbo -- (GEEN bow) A black koi with a silver metallic sheen. Now considered valueless. Ginga -- (GEEN gah) Metallic koi with black and white markings. A cross breed of a Hajiro Kawarimono with a Platinum Ogon. Ginrin or Gin Rin -- (geen deen) The more commonly used term for Kinginrin, referring to sparkling scale types. Ginsui -- (GEEN swee) A metallic Shusui with a silver luster (Hikari Moyomono). Gobu -- (goh boo) Size five. Godan Kohaku -- (GOH dahn koh HAH koo) A white koi with a five step hi pattern. Godan -- (GOH dahn) Five step pattern. Goi -- (goy) Fish/carp. Goke – (GOH keh) Fish scale. Goma -- (GOH mah) Sesame' or scattered sumi. Gosai -- (GOH sigh) 5 year old koi. Gosanke – (goh SAHN keh) A term that refers collectively to the 'big three' of koi keeping: Kohaku, Sanke, and Showa. Goshiki -- (goh SHEE kee) A five colored koi, on which white, red, black, and light and dark blue are mixed to give a purplish appearance (Kawarimono). Scale reticulation on the red and white, or on the white only. Goshiki Shusui -- (goh SHEE kee SHOO swee) A Doitsu, non metallic blue Goshiki (Kawarimono).. Gotenzakura -- (goh tehn ZAH koo rah) Cherry pattern. A cherry blossom patterned Kohaku. Gotenzakura Kohaku -- (go tehn ZAH koo rah koh HAH koo) A cherry blossom patterned Kohaku with many hi patches. |